installed one 350W motor to this bike:

This bike got:
Bafang / 8FUN BBS 36V 350W motor
C965 display
36V 14Ah battery
On 15th I had a chance to do a quick ride. My goal was to test motor’s ability to go uphill. When I first lifted up this bike, I was surprised, because it didn’t feel much heavier than my current commuter – 15 year old Scott Taos without any electric assist.
At first I did couple uphill rides near the shop. There is maybe 70 m long and somewhere 6-7 meters high climb on gravel track.
With first assist level I had to do a bit of work, but nothing much. With 3rd level it was like riding on a level ground and with thumb throttle, there was no need to pedal, because bike climbed itself and with pretty fast speed. After those short climbs I went to test Trepi street rise. With that ride I already got used to this bike and tried different assist levels and speeds. On level ground there is enough assist with every level, just top speed with the same comfort is different.
As Trepi rise is paved, but not too smooth, I tried to make videos from all three assist levels and thumb throttle ride. With assist I tried to keep same comfort zone, so I wasn’t trying to get maximum from motor. Distance is somewhere 230-250 meters and rise 18 meters.
Unfortunately there is some issue with Photobucket and uploaded video quality is much lower, than original videos, but you can get an idea of the abilities of this small motor.
Assist level 1:
Assist level 2:
Assist level 3:
Thumb throttle:
When I returned the bike I was very impressed with its performance and didn’t believe that with that short test ride I had covered nearly 6 km. Thanks to electric assist it didn’t feel half of it, not to mention, that all those uphill rides where pure cruising.
Thumb throttle:
When I returned the bike I was very impressed with its performance and didn’t believe that with that short test ride I had covered nearly 6 km. Thanks to electric assist it didn’t feel half of it, not to mention, that all those uphill rides where pure cruising.
likely, the same motor and display will be installed on couple of our next
If you are local and thinking about electric
assist for your bike ride I recommend this kit and suggest you to go and test
this bike.
If you like the motor and you already have a bike;
you can buy from us kit, starting at €780 (12Ah battery and installation for
free if done in our laboratory).
If you like the bike I rode, then you can buy
it from x-sport for €1590.
For more information contact us via this blog
or Särtsuratas FB page: