As Tour d’ÖÖ is probably biggest bicycle ride
in Tallinn, then we decided that it would be great to cruise along. For some of
us cruise started from our Laboratory and closer we got to city centre, more
bicycles we saw. When we arrived at Freedom Square, view was spectacular –
whole square was covered with cyclists and their bicycles. From Tour d’ÖÖ took
part nearly 3000 cyclists.
Several thousand cyclists on street is huge
crowd and cruise was more like stop and walking with bicycle, so Liberator’s
height was perfect for this kind of ride. We could just sit on our bikes and in
need just push ourselves on. But we got to ride too and in general it was
great experience to ride with all those cyclists. After cruise we, as most of
other cyclists, gathered in Telliskivi Loomelinnak to enjoy evening events.